Calling all English students!
This is where you will find help and resources for all your English (and drama) needs!
I will title all of the blog posts with your class name, so you know which posts to look at. There will be general help available for you as well, so explore any post.
This will help you strive towards and beyond your target grades - but remember - it's all down to you in the end!
Happy blogging! Mrs J x
I will title all of the blog posts with your class name, so you know which posts to look at. There will be general help available for you as well, so explore any post.
This will help you strive towards and beyond your target grades - but remember - it's all down to you in the end!
Happy blogging! Mrs J x
Monday, 13 June 2011
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Lydia...your reference ma dear! I will print it on letter headed paper in the morning, since I will see you in morning, just wanted you to know I'd done it, plus you know what I'm like- print it off tonight in case if you can! Mrs Jx
To whom it may concern,
I have taught Lydia English and literature over three academic years. She is an absolute pleasure of a student; exuberant, determined and talented.
The most impressive aspect of Lydia's nature, is her ability to grow- in confidence and ability. This can only be due to her receptive outlook and willingness to act on any beneficial and constructive criticism.
She has developed an ever growing flair for literature and has shown an inspiring passion for such texts as, Henry James' 'Turn of the Screw' and Shakespeare's 'Othello'. These challenging texts have been Lydia's turning point in her analytical literary skills- proving she thrives when offered a challenge and endeavors to deliver; she achieved her first A grade piece of coursework when studying 'Othello' and has continued to academically improve ever since.
This academic achievement has led Lydia to grow in confidence and determination- she is always humble and fighting to improve her ability. Her most recent challenge has been in the annual school production; 'Little Shop of Horrors'. I am currently directing the show and quickly realised that she had been hiding a wonderful singing voice and a more than capable acting ability from me for all of these years. Due to this, it was imperative to promote her to the lead role of Audrey. She has shown ultimate commitment (as always) and can be relied upon - from what I have seen - unconditionally.
Swaffham Hamonds High school, and my classroom, will be a poorer place without her and you would no less than gain from her attendance at your college.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Alannah Johnson
TLR2 responsibility within English
Sent from my iPhone
I have taught Lydia English and literature over three academic years. She is an absolute pleasure of a student; exuberant, determined and talented.
The most impressive aspect of Lydia's nature, is her ability to grow- in confidence and ability. This can only be due to her receptive outlook and willingness to act on any beneficial and constructive criticism.
She has developed an ever growing flair for literature and has shown an inspiring passion for such texts as, Henry James' 'Turn of the Screw' and Shakespeare's 'Othello'. These challenging texts have been Lydia's turning point in her analytical literary skills- proving she thrives when offered a challenge and endeavors to deliver; she achieved her first A grade piece of coursework when studying 'Othello' and has continued to academically improve ever since.
This academic achievement has led Lydia to grow in confidence and determination- she is always humble and fighting to improve her ability. Her most recent challenge has been in the annual school production; 'Little Shop of Horrors'. I am currently directing the show and quickly realised that she had been hiding a wonderful singing voice and a more than capable acting ability from me for all of these years. Due to this, it was imperative to promote her to the lead role of Audrey. She has shown ultimate commitment (as always) and can be relied upon - from what I have seen - unconditionally.
Swaffham Hamonds High school, and my classroom, will be a poorer place without her and you would no less than gain from her attendance at your college.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Alannah Johnson
TLR2 responsibility within English
Sent from my iPhone
Yr 11s... Period 2...
To those of you who want to revise content of poetry...
The link for you to follow is below, you can either carry out the online tests or you can answer the questions outlined on the ppt... Use the internet for any further research you need- record your answers on word or ppt... Drop them in my p drive AND print off a hard copy, I can embed them into the blog this way. Follow the instructions on the link below and basically create a ppt of your own with stimulating images and info! Can I ask you to copy and paste any urls used onto your work, this way the links can be followed via the blog! Enjoy, I will know what you have done by period 4: I will not support you during that lesson, if you fail to support yourself in this one! Mrs J x
The link for you to follow is below, you can either carry out the online tests or you can answer the questions outlined on the ppt... Use the internet for any further research you need- record your answers on word or ppt... Drop them in my p drive AND print off a hard copy, I can embed them into the blog this way. Follow the instructions on the link below and basically create a ppt of your own with stimulating images and info! Can I ask you to copy and paste any urls used onto your work, this way the links can be followed via the blog! Enjoy, I will know what you have done by period 4: I will not support you during that lesson, if you fail to support yourself in this one! Mrs J x
Thursday, 24 February 2011
My lovely Yr 11s!...
Why do I only have Ryan and Mario's peel points?! Come on! How will you know if you can do it?! Only trying to help yo remember!!! I expect to see more on the lord of the flies page! Thank you darlin's!!! Mrs J x
Friday, 18 February 2011
Jess Mutti
Hi Jess, completely forgot to give you your reference! Please forgive me!!! I've posted it to your home address to make up for it!!! You should get it Monday- hope that's in time?! When is your college interview? Mrs J x
Sunday, 6 February 2011
11 lit - For Josh and any other year 11 who is getting in my good books and studying at home!
This link will lead you to the Lord of the Flies book online - if you haven't finished chapter three by next lesson, we will leave you behind! BE WARNED! I will also post the link on the LOTF page too - just wanted to make sure you would see it as soon as you logged onto the blog!
Enjoy! Mrs J x
This link will lead you to the Lord of the Flies book online - if you haven't finished chapter three by next lesson, we will leave you behind! BE WARNED! I will also post the link on the LOTF page too - just wanted to make sure you would see it as soon as you logged onto the blog!
Enjoy! Mrs J x
Thursday, 3 February 2011
11cDr - change of plan!
We are going to leave 'Dice House' for a few weeks and come back to it - so you are working on that on the run up to the external examiner coming in. Everything you have done still counts but we are going to put it down and pick it back up again later - the main reason for this, is because I can't rely on full classes after the Easter hols! You will have exams and practicals in other subjects - I've spent a day studying unit 1 and am pretty sure we can get through it and out the other side in 7, maybe 8 lessons! I hope to be back tomorrow, so we will make a start - if we don't your unit 2 efforts will be wasted, as we will not have time to go back and do unit 1! Heads down, and we can manage it - I PROMISE! See you in morning - hopefully - you best go easy though! As only one of my legs works!!! Mrs J x
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Year 11 lit - Lord of the Flies extracts...
I haven't worked out how to post videos on your pages yet - so they will have to go on the home page for now! Watch these tomorrow - especially if you are in the classroom and not a computer room! Mrs J x
Today's classes...
Mrs Bernard just rang me to tell me how wonderful you all were today - thank you so much! It makes me feel so much better that you will all be good and make me proud, even though I'm not there! It's your way of looking after me! At this rate I'll be better in no time! Hope to be back Friday so hang on in there and keep up your hard work! Mrs J x
How you all doing?!
Feel so useless not being there to help you! Someone keep me posted how you are- let me know you're not wasting this time. If I could be there I would, but need you lot to keep working away! Mrs J x
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Period 5- 9yen2...
Hey you lot! Sorry to be off but you can cope without me for today and I'll be back tomorrow- please make me proud and show the staff covering how wonderful you are please! I can't wait to read your letters that you wrote yesterday! If you need time to finish them off today then you can. New jobs for you to get your teeth stuck into- do these in any order: design a DVD case and film poster to advertise the film version of Animal Farm, pretend you are your favorite character, write a diary entry of your thoughts and feelings about major dying and things at the farm changing! Good luck and be as good as you always are! Mrs J x
Period 4- 10yen2...
Sorry I'm not there. Please make me feel like I can trust you. I know you won't let me down! I want you to rewrite (as script) a conversation between characters - remember your groups from last lesson! And act out - sensibly, or you will not have fun lessons when I get back, for at least a week! Perform at the end of the lesson and get ready to show me next lesson- if you are not in the mood to act you can choose from these two tasks: 1. Draw and label with quotes, the setting of the opening- either the river or the bunk house. 2. Create comic strip of novel so far- what could happen next do you think? Mrs J x
Period 2 Yr11 English...
Missing you yr 11 but will be no good to you today! Will rest and be back Thursday; promise! Hoping you are now in a computer room and so can email and post anything you might need help with, if not you will need to do your best for me- I know you won't let me down! This won't hurt anyway: it will give you a chance to see that you need me less and less now- you have the skills to study and analyze any literature! Books are in my room and I've posted a link to the book online- copy and paste quotes! (oh yeah!) I need you to put together a literary case study on the novel: images, quotes, themes, hist/soc/cult etc. And post it on the blog for me to mark your understanding and analysis- use exam questions to guide you in your study- they will be on your joint page for you in a sec! This will be ongoing, so don't think it's pointless cover work- you do NEED to do it! If you want to do short stories instead, you can, just apply this guidance. Success= electronic presentation of study, include Todorov, exam questions, quotes, etc. Show how much you know, questions about things you don't and what this novel teaches you about social order! If you can't get computer room, do it by hand for now- no moaning please! Use prezi - sign up for free, or use ppt and upload to slideshare- send me link and I will embed on the blog. See your joint pages for help and an example. Oh my goodness- can talk forever even on this! Mrs J x
Period 1- yr 11 drama... I need a volunteer to read this out in a 'Ull accent please?!
Sorry I can't be here today my star drama class! I miss nagging, I mean teaching, you!!! Please don't waste this lesson, your external examiner has been booked and you need to impress him! Get rehearsing Dice House! Will be there next lesson and can't wait to see them! Production team- ork together please! No wandering James and George! Joe- BEHAVE for me please, remember you were going to work with Ash and Ollie, don't mess them about! Also you will need the book to find an extract no one else is using. Good luck you lot and perform your heart out! Perform at the end of the lesson and help each other out to get yourself at your best. Email me on any time today, or post on the blog- will check all day in case you need anything and will help from home if I can. Make me proud in front of other staff please, like you have before. Mrs J x
Luke L, 11 media studies...
Hey u, your mock media grade is B and your prediction is a merit in Btec extended certificate in creative media production. Hope you get this as Mrs Bernard said you need it for interview tomorrow. Good luck! Knock 'em dead! Can someone let Luke know this msg is on here, in case he doesn't see it please? Mrs J x
Monday, 31 January 2011
11cDr - How proud of you am I?!
Fancy making such an improvement in your behaviour and commitment in drama, that you (out of three classes across the school!) get a mention by the Head?! So sorry I wasn't there to hear it, but it has meant that loads of teachers have been able to tell me how wonderful you all are!!! P.s. I knew you had it in you - I hate to gloat and say I told you so - BUT...
P.p.s. I told ya so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs J x
P.p.s. I told ya so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs J x
Sunday, 30 January 2011
11cDr - You seem to have forgotten something...
Brechtian homework!!! Remind parents and/or carers to post what they know about Brecht please! Don't want to be phoning home to tell them that you didn't let them know about their homework! I will not stop going on until you have done it!!! And I know you don't want that! Mrs J x
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Important notices to ALL my year 11's!
Just need you to know how immensely proud of you you I feel, soooo many of you are really working your hardest towards all of the GcSeS that I teach you! I swear to you that if you keep working like this you will achieve all that you hope for. I know I nag a lot but can I just say, I didn't teach any of you today and I really missed you! Don't know what I'll be like when you leave!!! Mrs J x
Monday, 24 January 2011
11xEn1 - new blog page!!!
Have a look at joint yr11's page to see what we're upto for the next few weeks! Positive attitudes and focus for tomorrow please!!!! You will thank me in the end!!! Trust me - I'm a teacher! Mrs J x
Sara's media reference - good luck for your interview tomorrow chick!!! Mrs J x
Reference re: Sara Goncalvas - apologies for lack of headed paper; this needed to be blogged to Sara, due to Hamond's High changing their headed paper and me not being able to get a hold of any in time for this interview today. If any clarification is needed, please contact me, Alannah Johnson, on the following email: and or on the telephone number below.
I have known Sara Goncalvas for approximately 18 months. Sara joined Swaffham Hamond's High School during key stage 4 and has endeavoured to become a successful and pleasant member of the school and the year group. Sara is an extremely hard working student; it has been a pleasure to see her bloom in confidence over the 18 months that I have known her.
I was very pleased to hear that Sara has chosen to study media studies further and hopes to enter a career in the media industry. She is an excellent team player and has developed the ability and confidence to seek peer and teacher support, where necessary. Sara's character ensures that she acts on any guidance provided and is able to work independently to obtain self and academic improvement. This has been particularly evident during her AQA media studies GCSE; her previous school had begun work on the BTEC in Creative media production. This meant that Sara had the opportunity to demonstrate her determination; she has currently caught up with outstanding work and proven her ability to creative imaginative and creative media products of her own. It is now wonderful to see her analysis of media products developing and maturing, in preparation for her media studies GCSE and the completion of her BTEC work.
Your college would be extremely lucky to receive such a pleasant young women; she will always fight to achieve her personal and academic goals.
Yours faithfully,
Alannah Johnson
TLR2 Responsibility within English and media studies.
Brandon Rd
Swaffham, Norfolk PE37 7DZ
01760 721 480
I have known Sara Goncalvas for approximately 18 months. Sara joined Swaffham Hamond's High School during key stage 4 and has endeavoured to become a successful and pleasant member of the school and the year group. Sara is an extremely hard working student; it has been a pleasure to see her bloom in confidence over the 18 months that I have known her.
I was very pleased to hear that Sara has chosen to study media studies further and hopes to enter a career in the media industry. She is an excellent team player and has developed the ability and confidence to seek peer and teacher support, where necessary. Sara's character ensures that she acts on any guidance provided and is able to work independently to obtain self and academic improvement. This has been particularly evident during her AQA media studies GCSE; her previous school had begun work on the BTEC in Creative media production. This meant that Sara had the opportunity to demonstrate her determination; she has currently caught up with outstanding work and proven her ability to creative imaginative and creative media products of her own. It is now wonderful to see her analysis of media products developing and maturing, in preparation for her media studies GCSE and the completion of her BTEC work.
Your college would be extremely lucky to receive such a pleasant young women; she will always fight to achieve her personal and academic goals.
Yours faithfully,
Alannah Johnson
TLR2 Responsibility within English and media studies.
Brandon Rd
Swaffham, Norfolk PE37 7DZ
01760 721 480
Yr 11 English and drama homework! - Post on the relevant page please...
The comments are a bit thin on the ground people!!!! Thank you to those who have done it and done it well! There will be trouble tomorrow if you think this blog thing was just a fad year 11! This blog will be there FOR YOU before the exams! Those of you who have done it, don't deserve to hear me go on and on and on about it tomorrow! Can you facebook, xbox and or text a few reminders out to the culprits please! Thanks muchly! Mrs J x
Thursday, 20 January 2011
11xen1 - Charlotte...
Thank you for getting your homework done! Tons of detail and well done for getting the ball rolling for the others! Remember the rest of you, it can just be an image as a point of reference for you all! Check out Charlotte's gruesome but ACCURATE information! Mrs J x
10Xen1 and year 11 language resit...
Check out this for a persuasive speech! Mrs J x
Check out this for a persuasive speech! Mrs J x
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
I have! Not my fault you don't know what checking your emails means!!!! I'll do it on here then so you can see it! A reply! Thanks for offering to do the lights! But you best be good! It's a first rate production you know! Come to rehearsals next Tuesday so we can talk ideas! Ollie and Ash rocked it tonight! They left me speechless! I know! Couldn't believe it myself!!! Mrs J x
Saturday, 15 January 2011
10yen1- huge congratulations!!!!
Well done to all of you who had the guts to do your speaking and listening assessments yesterday! And those who listened! You were very respectful and supportive of each other! You have been a dream class the last couple of lessons! Not one grade is less than a B! Wow! And Phil! An A grade! Stars!!!! Well done to you all! Mrs J x
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
11XEn1 - Who can rule to world better? Men or women?
Patriarchy Vs matriarchy! You decide! Have a look on your page for a follow up link - get yourself ahead of tomorrow's debate! Who will win? Boys or girlies?! Hhhhhhmmmmmm....... Mrs J x
10yEn1 - tomorrow's lesson - I have a dream!...
I am looking forward to a VERY good lesson tomorrow! A sneak preview is on your page - see the youtube clip! Mrs J x
Hi all! A new website I've found!...
It's free, reasonably easy - though need to have a few more goes on it to be sure about that! And it means that you can create presentations online which makes things easier to embed! PLUS! I won't be able to lose it! Bonus! Mrs J x
It's free, reasonably easy - though need to have a few more goes on it to be sure about that! And it means that you can create presentations online which makes things easier to embed! PLUS! I won't be able to lose it! Bonus! Mrs J x
11xEn1 - tomorrow's lesson - you are lucky enough to have me twice (and even more for some of you!)...
Period 2 - we will be looking at Paula Brown bloom's questions and finishing your group essay. THEN... how do you fancy making our own class revision booklets, focusing on all of the short stories?! You will work in pairs (or threes!) and complete one of the following activities.... Get in quick with your choices - some are much harder than others, but between us all we will have covered every corner of the short stories! Though it wouldn't hurt some of you to have a challenge! Pick an area of interest (I will post them on your page tonight) and any posted requests will get first dibs!
Period 4 - we will look at Paula Brown (when I have updated your revision prezi! Lots to do tonight! Hope you are working as hard!). THEN we will look at the wonderful author that is Margaret Atwood! We are going to talk in depth about matriarchy , I'll get around to modelling that PEEL for you AND we will mark your group essay using the wordle version of the mark scheme! Bring all your short story stuff in - you are going to need it ALL!
Mrs J x
Period 4 - we will look at Paula Brown (when I have updated your revision prezi! Lots to do tonight! Hope you are working as hard!). THEN we will look at the wonderful author that is Margaret Atwood! We are going to talk in depth about matriarchy , I'll get around to modelling that PEEL for you AND we will mark your group essay using the wordle version of the mark scheme! Bring all your short story stuff in - you are going to need it ALL!
Mrs J x
Monday, 10 January 2011
11xEn1 - tomorrow's lesson...
Prepare for learning: Prezi quiz - growing up blooms questions
Learning outcomes:
All of you will recall the themes and narrative of 'Growing up'
Most of you will compare how new people discover new things about people in 'Paula Brown' and 'Growing up'
Some of you will analyse the themes and personas of the short stories, to the best of your ability
Review: Have another look at the markscheme and literature exam question.
Present new information: Watch me model a PEEL point
Construct meaning: Have a look at the mark scheme - have I met the criteria? What else would I need to do to meet it to an A/A* standard?
Apply to demonstrate: We are going to write a group essay! Save you all writing the whole thing!!! We will divide up the responsibility of the introduction, the PEEL points and the conclusion... We must focus on all the things that we focus on for poetry! (NSTCLEP)
Review 2: We will put the whole essay together and mark it as an exam piece at the start of next lesson!
See you tomorrow!!! Mrs J x
Learning outcomes:
All of you will recall the themes and narrative of 'Growing up'
Most of you will compare how new people discover new things about people in 'Paula Brown' and 'Growing up'
Some of you will analyse the themes and personas of the short stories, to the best of your ability
Review: Have another look at the markscheme and literature exam question.
Present new information: Watch me model a PEEL point
Construct meaning: Have a look at the mark scheme - have I met the criteria? What else would I need to do to meet it to an A/A* standard?
Apply to demonstrate: We are going to write a group essay! Save you all writing the whole thing!!! We will divide up the responsibility of the introduction, the PEEL points and the conclusion... We must focus on all the things that we focus on for poetry! (NSTCLEP)
Review 2: We will put the whole essay together and mark it as an exam piece at the start of next lesson!
See you tomorrow!!! Mrs J x
Sunday, 9 January 2011
10yEn1 - tomorrow's lesson...
Sneak preview available on your page! You are going to help me finish my prezi - so I can persuade you that I am NOT mad, I am afraid of them and I can't help it! Mrs J x
11Dr - tomorrow's lesson...
Good evening! You will get your unit 2 grade back tomorrow....
Have a look at your page, to get a preview of tomorrow's lesson!
Mrs J x
Have a look at your page, to get a preview of tomorrow's lesson!
Mrs J x
11cDr - Monday 10th period 1
You will be in my room tomorrow - we need to make sure that we all have a good grasp of unit 3 and that you have some content to you performances before we are back in the drama room on Wednesday. Sit in your groups and then you will have some time to take stock and achieve your potential in this unit. It's worth 40% and is externally assessed, so we can't take any chances! Also, we need to get this done quickly, so that we have enough time to go back to unit 1.
I will leave a note on the door but if you can get in touch with anyone from the class, who might not have checked the blog, before tomorrow, that would help! Mrs J x
I will leave a note on the door but if you can get in touch with anyone from the class, who might not have checked the blog, before tomorrow, that would help! Mrs J x
10yEn1 - Jess...
I've managed to get your homework on your class page, it's great! The only thing is, you can't zoom into it from the blog as I needed the link in your top white URL bar to be able to embed it properl, but at least we have it this way for now! Well done for doing your homework! Other year 10s!!!! I need more followers from your class, as well as your wordle homework! More effort from the rest of you please?! Well done to those who have not let me down on this front! Mrs J x
Saturday, 8 January 2011
11xen1 - what does this remind you of? Ps. It's a real 999 recording!
Friday, 7 January 2011
11xEn1 - Short story prezi from today's lesson!
I will update it with more short story revision - keep your eye's peeled and your fingers blogging! Mrs J x
11xen1 - you are seriously showing up my yr tens, barring my three stars who have done it!
Thanks yr 11s for all your efforts to make this a success, you are seriously in my good books! On way up to my hone planet at the minute, so only have my iPhone at my finger tips! Which means I can't view your wordles until I get to a laptop! Will embed your work as soon as I can, so don't feel rejected please my lovelies! Can't wait to see them!!! Might mean I need to get a life, but I do mean it! Give me a shout over the weekend if you need any help with anything! You could always make a start on that qu I gave you for next lesson???!!! Go on!!! You know you want to! Or?! Post me a prezi on your own analysis of the short stories?! Omg this is amazing! I can talk forever on this and you can't interupt me! Wish I'd have thought of this YEARS ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrs J x
11xen1 - evening all!
Have great weekend you lot, have a look at this and let me know if it's helpful, comment away!!! Mrs J x
Thursday, 6 January 2011
New followers! AGAIN...
I know you hate me for it - but my nagging is clearly working and it WILL pay off! Thanks Mrs J x
11xEn1 - lit mark scheme for exam...
Literature exam question to be explored in tomorrow's lesson (which WILL be a GREAT one!!!) -
Qu: Compare the ways in which a character in Growing Up and a character in Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit learn about themselves and other people. Compare:
• what the characters learn about themselves and other people
• how the writers show this learning.
This is the mark scheme - the first is specific to the question and the second wordle is a general scheme for quality of written communication (not as many marks but still important!)
Thanks again to those who will be prepared for tomorrow's lesson - I am PROUD of you, Mrs J x

Qu: Compare the ways in which a character in Growing Up and a character in Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit learn about themselves and other people. Compare:
• what the characters learn about themselves and other people
• how the writers show this learning.
This is the mark scheme - the first is specific to the question and the second wordle is a general scheme for quality of written communication (not as many marks but still important!)
Thanks again to those who will be prepared for tomorrow's lesson - I am PROUD of you, Mrs J x
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
To the three homework kings! Well done you three!
Homework completed the first day it was set! Impressed! Thank you to my yr 11s: George and Liam W! And year 10:Kyle! Who said boys were lazy Eh?! You keep proving the world wrong! Mrs J x
To my followers!
Thank you for making me look less sad! I now have followers! Always wanted some!!! Mrs J x
10yEn1 - wordle homework
Create a wordle doc about persausive techniques (AFOREST)! Due in Fri 7th Jan please!
11xEn1 homework - short story revision due in for Fri 7th Jan
Comment on this post and post me your wordle revision please!
Monday, 3 January 2011
To all English students!
You all now have your own class page! Just worked out how to do it!
So from now on, I will post general information that applies to your course on your page (assessment dates etc.) - you can comment on these and ask any questions that you may have.
Mrs J x
So from now on, I will post general information that applies to your course on your page (assessment dates etc.) - you can comment on these and ask any questions that you may have.
Mrs J x
11XEn1 - comparing literature short stories...
Putting the stories together
Possible themes:
You will want to be able to write about any two stories - and must be ready to answer any question that the examiners set. Broadly speaking, the questions will be of two kinds. These are:
Things not being what they seem | Surface and hidden narratives | Mysteries | Nature and human nature | Escapes and farewells | Generation gaps | Rites of passage | Sad or happy stories?
Follow this link to investigate this further!!!
Possible themes:
You will want to be able to write about any two stories - and must be ready to answer any question that the examiners set. Broadly speaking, the questions will be of two kinds. These are:
- questions that group stories by subject or theme,
- questions that ask you to look at the writer's method, the form or structure of the stories.
Things not being what they seem | Surface and hidden narratives | Mysteries | Nature and human nature | Escapes and farewells | Generation gaps | Rites of passage | Sad or happy stories?
Follow this link to investigate this further!!!
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Homework for all English students: Follow me...
Follow my blog to keep up to date with all English help. All you need is your school gmail account (see your when in school) and click the button! You can comment on any of the posts I make, this means you can aak any question about anything covered in your lessons. I can then post the answers to you outside of school time! Mega Eh?! Happy blogging!
Ps. If you don't have access to the Internet at home, I can print the blog and you can access the blog at school don't forget!
Ps. If you don't have access to the Internet at home, I can print the blog and you can access the blog at school don't forget!
Calling all English students!
This is where you will find help and resources for all your English needs! I will title all blog posts with your class name, so you know which posts to look at. There will be general help available for you as well, so explore any post. You will achieve your grade and beyond, but it's down to you in the end!
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