Calling all English students!

This is where you will find help and resources for all your English (and drama) needs!

I will title all of the blog posts with your class name, so you know which posts to look at. There will be general help available for you as well, so explore any post.

This will help you strive towards and beyond your target grades - but remember - it's all down to you in the end!

Happy blogging! Mrs J x

Thursday, 6 January 2011

New followers! AGAIN...

I know you hate me for it - but my nagging is clearly working and it WILL pay off! Thanks Mrs J x


  1. We don't hate you for it Miss :D We just forgive you

  2. Someone let me know wether you can actually get onto this thing ive just made. Combo of Kerridge and Werret have shepereded me through it. Make sure it works (: x
