Using your APP targets, we will explore and develop your reading, writing and speaking and listening skills in English.
Check this page for resources and help for your English lessons. I will also post APP assessment dates and anything that you need to help you prepare for them!
Your homework! Due Thursday 3rd Feb....
Post onto your page, some research about the Russian Revolution! It doesn't have to be much - it could even just be a picture! Mrs J x
Animal Farm (p. 59-92)
View more presentations from Cindy Shen.
Period 1 - your work for today:
ReplyDeleteThanks for being good yesterday year 9 - if you need me, post a comment on the blog and I can reply from my sick bed!
Right, this lesson! Have a go at this review quiz...
The quiz might not give you the answers, because it has not being downloaded onto my computer yet - this means that you will have to find the answers yourself! You can handle that! Get the books out and get yourselves into teams... it's a race to see who can find the right answers first! Good luck!!! Mrs J x
ReplyDeleteOnce you have had a go at the quiz, year 9, have a look through the powerpoint above, 'Introduction to Animal Farm'. We have talked about how 'Animal Farm' is an allegory for the Russian Revolution: Charlie, what does that mean? Are the characters just animals? If not then who are they?
ReplyDeleteLenny - I would like you to go through the powerpoint and show the class who the different animals represent...
1. Take some notes... eg. Mr Jones =
2. Draw (or write the characters' names if you don't like drawing) a page showing as many characters as you can fit on a page THEN label them with the REAL names from the Russian revolution - who is supposed to be who in real life? Title your page: REPRESENTATION AND ALLEGORY IN 'ANIMAL FARM'.
When I get back, I can't wait for you to tell me who is who! It's a long time since I read this novel and can't remember! Love it when you teach me stuff year 9, so get swatting up!!! Looking forward to seeing you when I get back! Mrs J x