Calling all English students!

This is where you will find help and resources for all your English (and drama) needs!

I will title all of the blog posts with your class name, so you know which posts to look at. There will be general help available for you as well, so explore any post.

This will help you strive towards and beyond your target grades - but remember - it's all down to you in the end!

Happy blogging! Mrs J x

Friday, 18 February 2011

Jess Mutti

Hi Jess, completely forgot to give you your reference! Please forgive me!!! I've posted it to your home address to make up for it!!! You should get it Monday- hope that's in time?! When is your college interview? Mrs J x

1 comment:

  1. Hello miss, my interview was on Tuesday it went really well and I did get my reference in time thank you so much! Would have blogged earlier but haven't been at home and had no access to the internet. Thank you again! x
